Take our Red-Flag Window Quiz to see if replacing your windows is still a nice-ity or if it may have moved up to a necessity in the not too distant future. This is actually pretty funny, for those that can relate to window woes. Read on for good humored fun about drafty, noisy, hot windows.

- Yes! My windows are like a bathroom mirror after a hot shower!
- Occasionally, but it doesn't usually draw my attention.
- Never, I can always see clearly through my glass.
- Yes! Who needs a greenhouse for plants? Just bring your seedlings to my house for sprouting.
- Sometimes, but only above 100 degrees, but isn't everything melting then anyway?
- Nope. My windows are natural heat blockers.
- Yes! I help keep fuzzy sock and cozy blanket companies bustling all winter long, because it is so drafty in here.
- Occasionally, but I only notice it when I'm in the mood for hot chocolate and movie night.
- No. My windows are solid barriers to the cold temperatures.
- Yes! To save money my housing contractor must have gone under budget by purchasing the cheapest windows on the market.
- No. My frames are vinyl and my panes are double.
- Yes! Whether its outdoor sneezing, loud parties, or cars moving, it seems like I can hear everything going on outside.
- Sometimes I am bothered by my neighbor's loud parties.
- Nope. It's like Fort Knox over here, I can't hear a thing.