During many days of my life I have enjoyed what I call, “whoa” moments. These are moments of life that take my breath away, typically after a big change, or transition. Its a surreal feeling that my dreams are actually coming true. I felt this sensation after I became a Mrs., and again the feeling came upon me when I bore my first child. “Whoa! I can’t believe I am a Mother!” I can’t believe that this little precious person is completely dependent upon me for physical, spiritual and emotional nourishment. She would in time, repay my efforts a thousand fold in her own special ways: milk bubble burps, the gift of finally sleeping through the night, cuddling with me in the way that I know the two of us fit together perfectly, preferring my touch and comfort to anyone else in the whole world. My oldest baby is now ten. She is growing into her own person, with beauty and grace as she captivates her world. “Whoa!” I can’t believe I have a ten year old! I am sure I will again come into this feeling as she graduates from high school, moves on to college, and begins her own family. As Mother’s Day is upon us this weekend, I want to take just a few minutes to reflect upon the life lessons I have learned about Motherhood, that I want to share in honor of all the powerful women in my life.