I live in Draper, Utah. The community began as a farming town over 100 years ago, and is now home to more than 50,000 residents. It only made sense with the growing population to include a TRAX line in the master development plan. This past summer the line was finished and testing began. Eventually after a lot of hard work, the train system opened for business! This has been a great addition to our transportation system, allowing for students to commute to their schools, business people to go to work, and for many to enjoy their entertainment without the worry or expense of a car. While most celebrated, some home owners thought that the prospect of trains running throughout the day and into the night, is down right awful. The reason? Sound. Currently the trains zoom by many homes without any noise protection. Trains expel a screeching gust, every 15 minutes, 18 hours per day. There are hundreds of families now affected by the ghastly screech, until the sound wall is installed by the city. Last night, I was speaking to a neighbor, who happens to live adjacent to the TRAX line. This gentleman bought his home 15 years ago. It was in a quiet suburban neighborhood. The property site is on the upper slope of the east Valley, so they have a beautiful view of the city and surrounding area. Now they are bombarded with the train in their backyard. When asking him about how it was going, he said,