Make-A-Wish is “Over the Top Amazing!”
“The day you receive the cancer diagnosis, your world just flips upside down.” Ada, mother to four, describes her experience receiving the news that her 4 year old daughter has a rare form of cancer. Fear, worry and distress settle on her young family. Annie immediately began intensive chemotherapy. The coming weeks and months were filled with lots of hospital and doctor visits, blood draws, and sickness. There were financial strains. There were hard days, and long nights while Annie courageously endured her life saving medical treatments. “Because I thought that wishes were only granted to those with a terminal illness, I didn’t know Annie could make a wish, until a nurse recommended us.” After receiving approval from her oncologist that she would be healthy enough to travel, the fairy dust from Make-A-Wish began working its magic on her once in a lifetime experience.Annie was invited to the Make-A-Wish house in Salt Lake City. Ada describes the event. “It was a special night for our whole family, but they really catered everything to Annie. They made her feel like a celebrity! From the pink table clothes (her favorite color), to her favorite chocolate chip cookies, and princess decor, every part of the evening was all about her.” She was invited to the wish room, where a wish granter helped her make the perfect wish, a trip to Disney World! A few weeks later, Prince Phillip and Sleeping Beauty arrived at Annie’s house, just days before her 5th birthday! As special friends to the Wishing Wizard, the royal couple presented Annie with an official letter that read, “You are hereby certified that your wish has been granted. You will be visiting the magical land of Disney World!” Included in the royal herald were presents to prepare this little princess for her journey, including a special pink backpack filled with goodies for the airplane ride.

Annie's last day of chemotherapy treatments.
The journey towards Annie’s healing affects everyone, including two older sisters, and a younger brother. Ada describes the impact that this experience had on her older children. Annie’s 11 year old sister said, “Mom, when I grow up I want to volunteer at the Give Kids the World Village.” The 70-acre resort, just outside of Disney World, solely houses guests like Annie, who are having a wish granted. They accommodate over 6,000 wish families each year from around the world! While the Bowler family has committed financially to donating each year to Make-A-Wish, her children had a desire planted in their heart to give back to others who have experienced a similar challenge as their sister. That is a priceless life lesson, especially in the face of a great physical and emotional challenge.